The Gift of GaB

My rants, writings, outpourings, musings and whatever else can be penned/typed down!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Now, doctors can prescribe video games as medication!

Attention deficit disorder? Try video games | CNET

I always wondered where diverse technologies will merge together to form one integrated life solution. PS2s are being used for treating attention deficit disorders. Who would have thought that PS2s can be used in treating a condition?

On the hindsight, our lives are becoming more and more technology dependent. Our grandfathers and parents came from a generation where a lot of tasks were done by themselves and nature had answers to most health problems. Today, we are moving away from the lap of nature to the bosom of technology... and seeking solace in anything that is electrical/electronic!

My grandfather calls computers the "modern idiot box". After a prolonged thought, and a recent 9 day vacation when I did not touch my laptop, I am tending to agree. :-)


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