New limits to being workaholic!
21 straight years at the job without a single holiday? And he is proud about the fact. And states he derives a lot of satisfaction out of his dedication. Accepted that he may derive happiness out of his consistency, but... there are many questions.
Factory worker eyes Guinness Book- The Times of India
1. The article claims that the worker is a personnel manager's dream come true. Really? I thought personnel managers are also responsible for the employees welfare by ensuring that they are not overworked or overloaded. How come this employee escaped the manager's attention? There are exceptions to the rule. But 21 ways years is too long a time!
2. What about the concept called as work-life balance? Does it apply only for IT workers?
3. What about the family? Were they also so enrolled into his workaholism? Did they not want vacations? Did they not want to see places like everybody did? I, somehow, felt a little sad for his family.
What is your opinion? I would love to hear about what you think. Post a comment.
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