I see Earth, It's so beautiful!
First words spoken by the first man to leave earth into the vastness of space!
Yuri Gagarin The man who made it for the first time!
How many of us really knew this line? We all remember so correctly what Neil Armstrong had said upon setting his feet on the moon. We barely know what Yuri Gagarin had said.
Up there in the space, when India's first astronaut Sqn Ldr Rakesh Sharma, was asked by the then Prime Minister Ms Indira Gandhi, how did India look from the space, he replied "Saare Jahan se Accha"! (Better than the rest of the world). Something similar to Yuri's first words. Thanks to our school history books, we remember this.
But... these Americans... !!!
"...Neil Armstrong had said upon setting his feet on the moon."
Did he? ;-)
Maverick... you gotta see this page: http://www.braeunig.us/space/hoax.htm
Maybe you can find some answers.
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