The Gift of GaB

My rants, writings, outpourings, musings and whatever else can be penned/typed down!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Housewives != Donkeys

As such, there is no dearth of atrocities committed on women in India. From illiteracy and bonded labour to forced marriage and rapes, the entire spectrum.

Many superstitions are specifically applicable only to the women folk. A certain family needs a quick dose of good luck, the women of the family must undergo a fast. Some family not enjoying good times, some woman of the family gets designated as the witch and gets thrashed with brooms and what not. Some woman raises a voice against the local powerful men, she gets gang-raped and paraded naked on the streets. Elsewhere women get sold for a price at melas so that the man can get some money for whatever he needs. Recently my eyes even caught a news item that talked about a woman being rescued from a 20 year imprisonment in a solitary room by her husband. Why? Because the husband "thought" she was being unfaithful. Grrr...

And now this... Textbook likens donkey to housewife

It is a classic manly thing in India to take their women for granted. As if they owned them like commodities. Women should not be educated. Women should not be allowed to work. Women... Somebody has to wake up these MCP samples and tell them - All these beliefs held true only in Stone Age. Not anymore. I doubt how many husbands in India are progressive minded and really appreciate the presence of their wives in their lives. Even if they were just housewives. They really have to start counting all the services a housewife provides to the man, the home and their children. It is then that they would realise that being a housewife is not such an easy task.

BTW, this post is not a precursor to a political agenda. Me and politics will never have a connection. Nor is it any kind of post designed to get me brownie points amongst the women folk. I do not need that. ;-)

AND... I completely appreciate my wife's contribution to my well-being. I am incomplete without her, respect her for what she is, love her for what she is, and do recognize her needs as an individual. Suzy - you're the one! :-)

I remember a quote from a long time back. Every marriage (God bless!) should be this...
"The I in the I is the I in You, and the You in the You is the You in I".
Ponder and you will realise how deep this quote is.

Ps: I am not going to accept any comments about preachings of Manu or Thirukural on the above aspect. Manu's writings are definitely outdated and MCP-isitc.


Blogger By Deepa and Supriya said...

I was browsing Blore Metblog, read a few of your posts there and decided to check out your site.
I know!!! Monstrous attrocity! and its nice to see a man acknowledge that. I was going to write about this on my blog but then decided to not honour such a thing by giving it more publicity. In any case, when will our country learn I wonder, espcially after so many babies have been killed solely based on gender.

Thu Apr 06, 07:36:00 AM GMT+5:30  
Blogger Rubic_Cube said...

Thanks for dropping by, orchid. Yeah, I agree on what you have mentioned. Did you know that the trend is reversing in Rajasthan? 922 females for every 1000 males. That's the proportion today. And the father of the bride is like a king. The boy's side dont demand dowry and take care of all expenses too... Now that is nature or evolution's way to giving it back to them!

Thu Apr 06, 11:50:00 AM GMT+5:30  

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