The Gift of GaB

My rants, writings, outpourings, musings and whatever else can be penned/typed down!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Putvote's pitfalls

Oflate, has gained popularity. The site is modelled on Digg, only at a concept level. The flavor of the public bookmarking portal is essentially desi. The site allows registered and guest users to cast their votes to an article submitted. They call it "putvoted". The English used on the site is typical of the ill-educated Indians who do not pay attention to grammar or constructs. That is a taste, an accepted taste. And its most unique offering is in it being a platform where Indians can share links to good blogs, good articles and the like.

However, with all its unique offerings, there are pitfalls. I have been analysing it steadily over a long period of time. There have been times when I have frantically "putvoted" on the site. I have seen my ranking go up. And then, I decided to test the flavor of the people that visit the site.

One of the biggest pitfalls is that the site allows too much democracy. While it is good in one way, we Indians are known to make such a mess of a good thing that this site also has become one such example. For one, I found "puke" the most insensitive thing on the site. And it is like, people are waiting to pounce on one blogger who has been "puked" upon at the site. People are taking out their prejudices on a blogger that should rather have been personal and discrete. Join the melee seems to be the buzz then. Virtual wars start with one section favoring one blogger, then others dedicated to tearing that blogger down. These are absolutely unnecessary. Waste of time, effort, bytespace, broadband time and everything thereof.

Another pitfall is recursive promotion. It is like this. The user group consists of some close knit friends all of whom blog (not necessarily). These friends invite their friends and therefore it is one huge network of friends looking at the putvoted articles from their own blogs. It is not considered wise for one blogger to self-promote. So some of his friend who frequents the first blogger's blog will putvote one of his posts. Comments are the most recognizable way to check on a blog's popularity. When a post is putvoted, inevitably traffic flows and comments happen. Likewise, probably to return the favor, our putvoted blogger will putvote his friend's blog post. So, there you see... recursive promotion circle happening. It is not the absolute thing that happens. There are other blog posts also shared. But a lot of it is this.

Next comes the desi tag. How desi are we talking? Do we have gujjus participating? Do we have bongs participating? Take a look at the top putvoters list and you should not be surprised that most of them originate from the same linguistic background. And it reflects in some of the putvoted posts too. If I were a inquisitive reader from Kashmir, that would really put me off. Why do you have to make it desi then? Make it Tamizh only!

Now, for the observation about people's taste. Now, putvote readers are not in for some serious bookmarking. Let that be known. It is only some fun collaboration site. Articles that mean fun are well received. The fun could be dry wit, sarcasm, a pitiful take on something, a ridiculous jab at someone etc. Try some of the more serious putvoted articles. Barely any readership at all. They remain consigned to nothingness and disappear into the underground when the nonsense keeps bubbling on the top. There are lots of categories created for putvoting. But how much does it help?

It is for the creators of this site, whom I know personally, to do something about these. They can, if they wish and have the bandwidth to, really change the allure of the site to something great. I sincerely wish they do. For putvote's own good!


Blogger The Talkative Man said...

Coterie formation and mutual-backslapping parties cant be avoided in any enterprise.

If ppl are blogging out of their own self-interest, touting and promotion are irrevelant. Any serious seeker can use and get what he wants.

Dont bother about the Pukers..they ultimately realise after a few months they need to see an obstetrician and fall in line once delivery is over ;)

Sat Nov 04, 01:57:00 AM GMT+5:30  
Blogger Mysorean said...

That's how our country's democracy is also "working", right?!

Sat Nov 04, 09:53:00 AM GMT+5:30  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You hit the nail on the head. It's more becoming one online community of friends having fun. It no more serves as a cool aggregator of good posts, everyday. The concept was right but it's badly misused by some bloggers and the gangs of Putvote.

Sat Nov 04, 01:18:00 PM GMT+5:30  
Blogger Rubic_Cube said...

@ttm: thanks for stopping by. yes, what you mention is right. but still, by using active moderation, it can be contained.

@ mysorean: hegidheera pa? democracy? in our country? elli where?

@ srikanth: Thanks for stopping by... and yeah, nice to see someone agreeing to the comments.

Sat Nov 04, 07:35:00 PM GMT+5:30  
Blogger Rajaram S said...

"It is not considered wise for one blogger to self-promote"

I don't quite agree to this. This is like advertising a product you make. If coke or pepsi never advertised , no one would know about their product. You make a product so that people can see/use it.
I am not a purist blogger who writes only for self-satisfaction. Nor am i expecting awards from people for what i write. I write, because i like to and also because i want others to read my blog for fun, for timepass, as i read other blogs.
So, how do i reach out to others, by publicity, right ? and I don't say "See the posts of the best new blogger around" ..i just say "Hi ..this is my new post ..come and check it out"
is this morally or ethically wrong ?

Fri Nov 10, 12:41:00 PM GMT+5:30  
Blogger Rubic_Cube said...

@ rajaram: i partially agree to your comment in that unless you share the permalink to a post, you may not "quickly" have a big reading circle. the great blogs gained readership over a period of time. it was not overnight. what you are doing is fine. going to other blogs, commenting there. it is not considered polite to then post a hyperlink to ur post. if your comments are thoughtprovoking enough or applicable to the post, the blogger will automatically reciprocate. that is how the blog readership grows. plus, there is something called blogrolling. if u r on the blogroll of someone, and if that someone is a big blogger, then yes, you may get some new readers via that blogger. it is a time consuming process, i do not deny that. but i still maintain that self promoting via putvote is unethical.

Fri Nov 10, 12:55:00 PM GMT+5:30  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good observations R_C. But as the first comment says here, serious blog browsing is best done via search engines or quality 'aggregators'. Just RSS'ing your favorite ones also gives you enough dose for your typically busy days.

I wish there would be a like 'local' blog search engine. (not 'desi' search engine - that self-derogatory sounding term has NRI origins :) ).

Mon Nov 27, 03:45:00 PM GMT+5:30  
Blogger Rubic_Cube said...

Agree with you, SB!

Mon Nov 27, 08:43:00 PM GMT+5:30  
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Thu Nov 30, 10:40:00 AM GMT+5:30  

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