The Gift of GaB

My rants, writings, outpourings, musings and whatever else can be penned/typed down!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

How a foreign tourist looks at the Indian style WCs? Chk this!

& I could not stop laughing after reading this little account... rofl lol!
This is a restaurant where we stopped on the road to Orcha. They have great cold drinks yummy! The toilets here are rather funny. They are outside the restaurant at the side of the road. They are like little houses of stone with a wooden door in it. There were three of these 'houses' in a row, and one was a shower. The toilets had no toilet paper. The toilet was a hole in the ground. You could wash your do away by using the can with water beside it...


Blogger Smashinguy said...

Hee hee...
For an Indian abraod, let me tell you I find the use of paper quite disgusting and unhygeinic, whatever the western world has to say.

I like Singapore and Malaysia in that the common toilets are built for use in both Western and Indian style, both paper and water being available. Truly multicultural I'd say.

Fri Jul 29, 07:51:00 AM GMT+5:30  

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