Finally, water in space!
:-) Not on Mars. On one of Saturn's innermost moons - Enceladus! Cassini probe has clicked some pictures of Enceladus as it flew past the moon on July 14 2005.

CNN Headline: The Cassini space probe has found evidence of geysers erupting from underground pools of liquid water on Saturn's moon Enceladus, scientists announced on Thursday.
// "Now Enceladus joins the ranks of those bodies, Mars and Europa, that have evidence of liquid water in them and also energy sources coming from radioactive heating and tidal heating that make the very interesting places to look for the origins of life," said Torrence Johnson, a member of the Cassini team. "These are habitats that are similar to types of places we think life may have originated and could possibly survive in today." //
Almost everything you want to know about Enceladus!
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