Golf Ball and related experiments
Finally, I got my hands on a golf ball. The first time in my life. My friend had one used ball and he gave it to me. Just like that. Probably only because I had not held a golf ball in my hand before. :-)
I took the ball home and showed it to my 6 month old daughter. Now, she has not seen a ball earlier to this one. So, the first ball that she saw is a golf ball. And the size of the ball is such that she can completely hold it in her small palm. It was nice to watch her play with that ball.
Later in the evening, one of my cousins dropped by. Even he had not seen a golf ball earlier. So, when he held it, he looked at it for quite a while, bounced it and heard the sound it made and made a comment that I will never forget :
"For the weight that it seems to have, it makes quite a silly sound!"
And then, I took the camera out. Anything that catches my imagination shall and will be clicked. :-) And so here is the first snap that I clicked of that golf ball. Yeah! It is quite worn to look at. But, what the heck? It still is a golf ball. :-)

Click for a bigger size
What followed this one was pure delight. But you have to check the "Reflectarium" posts for my experiments with the camera. Check how the same golf ball looks in my pictures...
read this a decade back and since then cant help recollecting when I see anything related to golf ;)
Knock knock
Who's there?
Adolf who?
A dolf ball hiff me on de mouf and datf why I dawk life dis
When I got hold of a golf ball for the first time in my life, I was so fascinated by the look of it, I decided to take it to the garden to a cemented platform where I'd usually practice my wall-cricket and some wall-tennis :)
I thought I'll test the bounce of a golf ball and I pitched it on the cement platform and bounced so high that it went and fell into the terrace !!
Bradman practiced the same wall-cricket with a stump and a golf ball :)
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