Google CL2 - Sneak Peek!
I use Lotus Notes 7 in my organization. I am probably too much in love with it to look at any other collaboration tool. The N7 has come a long way from the earlier versions, 4.5 being the first one that I had used. One of the most loved features in Lotus Notes is the Calendar. And those who use the Calendar feature of Notes must agree that it is amazing.
Google seems to have created its own calendar and looks pretty much like Lotus Notes Calendar. Called "CL2" (sign on page here), Google is apparently working to integrate it with Gmail. The beta was a strictly closed one with invited users not being able to invite others to preview it.

The original CL2 screenshot from the link provided below!
Take a sneak peek at the CL2, complete with screenshots, at this page.
In a few months from now, your gmail account may just start becoming an all-in-one collaboration tool... incorporating state-of-art gmail service, Google Talk, Firefox browser inbuilt, Google Media Player (future), CL2 et cetera. Ah! Already this sounds like the Google Pack. Ain't it? I may be missing a lot here. Trust Google to pamper you with something imaginative.
May that day... dawn!
Here's some more...
Things brewing...
Thanks Mav.
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