The Gift of GaB

My rants, writings, outpourings, musings and whatever else can be penned/typed down!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Chunchi Falls trip-o-log

Ferrari has done better than I could have wished. So here it is.

Some more to aid the piece, if I may...
1. The roads are in pathetic shape compared to the hype that surrounds Mekedatu and other surrounding locations. Not worth it!
2. No food anywhere. We luckily packed food for our journey, including water. That saved the day for us.
3. When we reached the place and parked our car, we started walking towards the falls. Some distance later, we saw a long rocky bed that once could have been covered with frothy water. You could call this the rapids then... very dangerous nevertheless. But where was the water?
4. The place is littered like a dump yard. I hope people have better civic sense. You can see beer cans, broken glass pieces lying all over the rocks. Kingfisher Beer surely would not want such publicity.
5. We stopped at a small village en route and noticed the villagers were breeding silkworms. You cannot imagine the stench that these cocoons let out. Very pungent! Little does one know about this because all we see is only the silk cloth. I will post a pic of those cocoons in a while.

That said, we set out for the drive just because we wanted to go out and be back by 2PM or so. The drive was more pacifying than the location we visited. And yes, Ferrari is a great driver with just 2 months behind the wheel. Ladies, are you listening??

Did you know?! :- Research has proved that we Men do not think of our cars as a separate entity as the Women do, rather we believe it is just an extention of ourselves. That's why you see we enjoy our driving, and we take care of our cars like our babies. ;-) Last Word? Women are safer drivers than Men.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good words.

Tue Nov 11, 09:02:00 PM GMT+5:30  

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