The Gift of GaB

My rants, writings, outpourings, musings and whatever else can be penned/typed down!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Google's PageRank

The chill is beginning to set in, heralding the onset of colder climes. But then, this information may not be relevant to you. It is only as relevant as your location. If you are located in Bangalore or North Eastern US or Europe (not the Mediterranean area)... this is relevant. Maybe not otherwise...especially if you are in Melbourne or Cape Town or the Tropics. This is when the sun and the sands would beckon you! "Christmas at the beach" - sounds awkward to the people from Northern Hemisphere. Not if you are in the Southern Hemisphere. How you wish there was a ranking available to suggest what is relevant and when it is relevant?

The above reminds me of the classy technology that Google offers. PageRank. Which is the best page for your search and which is not? How would you know? PR gives you that data. Have you ever used it to your advantage? Typically, we do not even look at that data. Today, web sites are custom created to get higher page ranks and therefore more page hits. It is therefore only more imperative that we give this little diminutive data a little more than just a casual look. Check this page for information on how PageRank works.

Also, there is another school of thought that says is PR just democracy or corporate muscle. Merits a read!


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