No post for last 2-3 days now. Why? My laptop gave me the (in)famous BSOD. Hah! Who has the last laugh? Regardless of the battle that we have against M$ on its "Windoze" operating system, it still continues to have the deciding authority. It will crash when you most dont want it to. It has a solemn birth right to do so. Anything that I say or do can and will be used against me in its own court of justice. I can only smack my head in disbelief and press the restart button. And it decided to up the ante by giving me the BSOD a few more times so that I meekly deceide to surrender. Thanks to my official designation, I have to use tools that work only Windoze. So, I have given my laptop back to the IS people to format and reinstall the complete system. Till then, I got to use this temporary machine.

(Used with due credits to the original)
Anyways, the BSOD experience did prompt me to read about BSODs on Wiki. Looks like there is more to a BSOD than just the frightening experience. It is more like a coroner's examination report. :-)
PS: A few days back I was talking with one of my US colleagues, and after our regular meeting, we were chit chatting about some Open Source stuff. At one point he made this quote and we both were laughing out loud. "Sometimes I want to flush my Windoze computer down the toilet, but I am afraid it would *crash* the plumbing system!" Now, howzzatt?
Phew!! It has happened to me three times in the past one year. The BSOD struck my team mate last Friday eveing (again, the time you least expected it to do) and it just made my day another hour longer at office.
Btw, did you lose any data?
thankfully, i did a full archive just last week, fearing a dump! u know u get those feelers when the comp starts behaving awkward... ;-)
Did you run a diagnostic on your hard drive? I used to work at a laptop fixing shop and 80% of the times, BSODs were due to a bad hard drive. Normally I do a diagnostic and if the Hard drive passes, I run CHKDSK.
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