It's proved... Firefox is # 1!

& why would it not...
This post is happening on Firefox 1.0.7
My rants, writings, outpourings, musings and whatever else can be penned/typed down!
Did you read the book "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown - which actually is a prelude to the book "The Da Vinci Code"?
Remember the adage - Give the camel an inch, and it would take an ell - ?? (now dont even bother to ask me where this proverb came from... google for it!)
Check these links... another complete detailed account of the ARR concert @ Bangalore.
You gotta read this one...
Hmmm... I just noted how long has it been since I published my last post. It would be eons in Blogsphere. Anyways, I just had to do it now. Lotsa news to share you see..