The Gift of GaB

My rants, writings, outpourings, musings and whatever else can be penned/typed down!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Google is not just what we know it as. I was blogrolling today and read about Google listing the list of companies that it has acquired in its shareholder's report. I was more than just amazed to read the list. The entire portfolio of companies acquired by Google shows that the Search-Engine major is not just interested in making search technology simpler for the everyday guy. It is becoming bigger and bigger. Google Pack is also another example of the bigger plans that Google seems to have.

The plethora of technological marvels that it is engaged in is evident when you visit Google Labs. Google Web Accelerator, for instance, is a browsing accelerator utility that enhances your browsing experience and loads pages faster on your broadband connection. But if you read the finer print, they are actually routing traffic through Google's Web Servers. Now, I do not want them to be snooping and recording what I am surfing about. So, I did not install it. And now one more from Google. Gbuy - competitor for PayPal. Firefox may one day be integrated deep into Google's software just like IE got mired deep inside Windows. Open Office may be the most preferred Office suite working on the much touted Google OS.

Also in the news is the rumour about Google buying up Sun. Not sure if this would really happen. But if that happens, 2 companies that are techie heavens would merge to create a true innovation spinball that could steamroll through the world. I do not know if I want to live to tell "I told ya so!". But what if it does happen?

Is Google going Microsoft way? MS never published its research works and never distributed its beta and research stuff free over internet. Google does that. So we are aware of the increasing girth of Google. Looks like "Googlefasting" is something that each one of us has to try out. More so to ascertain if we can live a life independant of Google. For one day, Google may just own the rights to every character typed on your keyboards!

In a thought mode, I coined the word "Googliath", to mean Google becoming as big as Goliath. David killed Goliath using just a sling. Google was once the David of the search world. Today, people just google for stuff on internet. It has come to that. Google has become the Googliath. Will another David rise now? Time alone will tell.


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