Of connecting flights and harried passengers!
I do not know how many of you have been able to travel on international destinations. But there are several stories that float around about the different adventures that one encounters. Take this for example, a friend had to travel from Atlanta, US to Bangalore. The simplest route would be Atlanta-Some_place_in_Europe_depending_on_Airline-Mumbai/Bangalore. And now, picture this... Atlanta-New York-Paris-Bangkok-Chennai-Bangalore! Why? Missed a connecting flight due to delay at the earlier airport.
My grandfather was once travelling from Detroit to Mumbai. They missed their connection flight at Boston. Courtesy NorthWest Airlines, they were put up at the Hilton over there and were treated to 5 star luxury! They even travelled back to Mumbai via London/Amsterdam (I think!) in Business Class. These kinda things also happen! :-) I bet you would not mind this kind of a thing happening unless you are rushing home for something so damn important that you would rather claim that you are a terrorist and ask to be deported to India rightaway!
Read this blog from Dave Barry's site. Amusing, isnt it?
Thankfully I have not had the fortune(?) to experience this kind of adventure.